Who I can help and what I can do for you…

I can proofread content for clients ranging from global enterprises to individuals – whether publishers, packagers, government agencies, educational institutions, self-publishing authors, content creators, students or anyone else.

Let’s be honest, though – different people have different understandings of what proofreading actually is. You may require a final check on your content’s grammar, spelling, punctuation, layout and style consistency. Don’t worry – I do all that. I’ll make sure your report/book/content is in great shape before anyone else sees it. Or perhaps it’s more a case of proof-editing, copyediting or proof collating? Well, whatever you have in mind, please do contact me (see below) to explain the nature of your project and the extent of proofreading you require, and we’ll take it from there.

Precise, as you ask, no fuss

I have years of experience in writing and proofreading classified government agency reports and assessments for UK and international partners. Specialisms from this include prison and probation, law enforcement and organised crime, but I have many more, as detailed on my About page (button below).

I would also be more than happy to take on projects concerned with new areas of interest, as I love fresh challenges – so try me!

I prefer working digitally (PDF or Word) but will also consider hard copy proofs or other formats.

My pricing structure is based on CIEP’s suggested minimum rates. However, this will always depend on the size, complexity, duration and specific requirements of the job in question, and may be open to negotiation.

You can submit a job proposal or ask me any questions using the details on my Contact page (button below). I look forward to hearing from you!